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E-mini S&P 500 Advantages. 1. Liquidity - The CME Group noted in their 2012 report that the E-mini S&P contract traded, on average, $142 billion in transaction dollar volume per day versus a $18.5 There are a multitude of futures contracts available to trade, and choosing the proper contract is a matter of great importance. Each contract has a distinct personality and pattern of price action. It is little wonder that novice trader bounce from futures contract to futures contract trying to find a profitable formula to trade. 如何评价比特币合约交易平台okex? okcoin币行的子公司 ———编辑问题——— 根据OK自己的说法okex和okcoin币行是互相独立的,不是子公司的关系。 显示全部 esl伯明翰2020:rng vs ig比赛回顾. esl伯明翰2020:ig vs cdec比赛回顾. esl伯明翰2020:lgd vs rng比赛回顾. esl伯明翰2020:cdec vs rng比赛回顾 2019ldl春季赛正式开赛,不知道今年会是哪支战队夺得进入lpl的资格呢?作为玩家的我们又能看到哪些职业选手卓越的表现呢?话不多说一起跟着小编来看看2019ldl春季赛的比赛吧! If you want to find out how many YM contracts one should trade per ES, then you would find the ES row and follow it to the right until you reach the column for the YM. In this chart, you would get 1.185 as a result. Hence, the YM OVER ES spread would be 1.185 YM per ES contract. Why does this matter? This chart can be used in several ways: 暂时没有相关比赛数据 双方近期交手. 时间; 赛事; 对阵